Working alongside graduate Designers, MUA's and Hairstylists from across the UK I have continued my love in fashion and beauty photography. Meeting new faces and working with some amazing talent has made me remember why I fell in love with photography in the first place. I will further my work from 2020 photographing new graduates iconic pieces.

A lot of my editorial pieces can be seen in tripdicts. I feel by putting each three together they summarise the look without showing the full body of work. 

I have always been intrigued by bold and stand out colours. A lot of people say certain colours are an eye sore and sometimes cause a headache. When I am searching for designs the main object I look for first is the colour range. With every piece I have chosen I have made sure that the clothing is eye catching but not too harsh it hurts the viewer.

I've always loved the feeling seeing someone look at my work and be fully drawn into the image. I think the colours whether they be bold totally or subtle with one bold colour the same effect happens. I try and get the viewers drawn into the eyes. I want to make you want to stare at the image for hours. If not the eyes then the position of the model. To wander your eyes round the image, being guided by different parts of the body.

Let's see if this happens with you.

Using Format